My Story


I spent most of my life studying the art and discipline of acting. People’s stories and character development has always been my favorite. I had a natural talent for being able to see and understand motivations behind a character’s actions. It also helped me cultivate my natural pull and compassionate understanding of others.

I have always had a deep love for people. Even my enemies. Not learned, it was just a part of me.

I could tap into the human psyche, and then use that ability to tell their story on stage.

“That is it” I thought. “This is what I’m supposed to do.” “It is a natural gift that can bring me wealth and recognition, especially in the film industry, and I can use that position to help others.” It was all there! Perfect! Everyone was telling me I could do it, how could it go wrong?

So I received two degrees in acting, moved to LA, and… froze, terrified. I had never been more scared in my life. So scared in fact that I couldn’t make a move in the film industry, any industry, without someone first approaching me. For some reason I couldn’t do anything on my own. And people did, they would present opportunities left and right, I would say yes and freeze.

As is the trend, those opportunities would go away. I wouldn’t follow through. I would put everything off. I distracted myself with bad relationships and late nights, anything to avoid having to come to terms with the fact that something within me was holding on so tight that it wouldn’t let me move forward. I knew it and I ignored it. I ignored it for years. People still brought me opportunities and I would freeze, terrified… of what? I didn’t know and couldn’t see the answer. I became depressed and hopeless.

How could someone with so much opportunity seemingly do so little?

I would still put on a happy face, entertain everyone, get the validation that I could still do this, be this person I had dreamt of long ago, and then nothing.

Until it came to a point where I knew I couldn’t lie to myself any longer. I had a very good friend, a coach, ask me some very simple basic questions about my life. And I started thinking not about what I could do to “get back in there”, but what did I truly want for my life, and what I thought the real reasons were I hadn’t achieved it yet.

It was the first time in my life I decided to face the ultimate reality of what inside me was holding me back.

So began my journey to change my life. Through dedicated work, supported and guided self-reflection, and deep introspection I realized there were many stories, many false truths, many views of myself and my world that were doing everything they could to keep me from what could be my ultimate potential. As soon as those parts of me felt unsafe, they would kick into gear and I would freeze. No matter what outside or inside pain that freeze caused me, there was some other, stronger, deep subconscious pain that was stopping me from experiencing that unsafety. And that subconscious pain was far, far greater than any surface consequences.

Greater than helping others, greater than living out my dreams, greater than the love I knew I had for myself, and with powerful justifications deep inside of me for its existence.

It is only through self exploration - the deep, the messy, the difficult, the shame filled, the real authentic nonnegotiable truth - that I have pulled myself out of the darkness. And through this exploration, I have now found my true calling.

All the years of fear have led me to where I find myself today. Writing this and telling my story so that others may know without a doubt they are not alone.

Now, I get to guide people through their own challenges, whatever they may be. I help others find the reasons they hold themselves back from grabbing their opportunities for a full life.

Human beings are miraculous creatures. We are multileveled, extremely deep, complex beings. And to discover our truth, and what is beneath our patterns, we must commit. We must be willing.

We need only reach out and pull back the curtain, but pulling back that curtain safely requires a specific environment and guide - I needed my guides, and now I get to the be that guide for others.

The work is not easy. It is sometimes painful and scary. Confronting yourself is probably the greatest challenge you may ever face. But on the other side is a freedom I cannot describe - and it would be my honor to support you in your journey to discover what is on that other side for you.